Английский язык

1. How did Olga feel when she saw a ghost? 2. What color did Julia’s face turn when her teacher told her 0%
1. Rewrite the text and return only the paraphrased question: a. What would have happened if she had 0%
1. The ice-breaker Yermak proceeded towards the port for its destination. 2. The passenger ship Estonia has already arrived in 0%
1. What does Arthur enjoy at school? 2. How does Miss Barlow usually feel? 3. In what situation does Arthur 0%
1. What is the significance of information science in today’s world? 2. What is the reason behind students 0%
Replace the bolded words with the words from the box to complete the text. Let’s Enjoy a Delicious 0%
Elena, how are you doing? I’m working hard, but I need a break. Can we meet tomorrow evening for dinner? I 0%
Lucy will visit us on Sunday morning. When the Second World War started, Tom was only 20 years old and living with his 0%
Put the verb given in brackets into all of the present tenses: 1) Joy travels every year. 2) We have been 0%
What do you want to order? 0%
Английский язык, в ответе верните только текст: 6.14. Прочитайте беседу между друзьями и выберите правильную 0%
Can you rephrase the following question in English, and return only the paraphrased text in your 0%
⦁ Which word is not related to the others: ⦁ Selenium, fluoride, carcinogen, iron, calcium, potassium ⦁ 0%
A) Attempt to pair the adjectives in column A with the nouns in column В in order to create 0%
Paraphrased question text: 1. Is Conrad required to attend school? No, he is not. 2. Does Conrad have to attend 0%
1. The people in Avatar from the humanoid/natural tribe resemble humans. 2. Animations are created by simulation/graphic artists 0%
1. At what time of day can an English woman order food products? 2. How frequently does she receive invoices 0%
1. Как записать числа словами? Восемь, тринадцать, девятнадцать, двадцать четыре, сто пятнадцать, шестьдесят 0%
1. One of the words is not needed. Please identify it. 2. Which activity did they do in the park? 3. What kind of 0%
1. A pretty little Chinese girl 2. An expensive white satin wedding dress 3. A brilliant new French detective film 4. An ancient 0%