Paraphrased question text: 1. Is Conrad required to attend school? No, he is not. 2. Does Conrad have to attend

Paraphrased question text:
1. Is Conrad required to attend school? No, he is not.
2. Does Conrad have to attend lessons?
3. Do Conrad’s parents have to go to work?
4. Does Conrad have to study Spanish?
5. Does Conrad have to take exams?
6. Does Conrad’s mom work late?
Содержание вопроса: Using the interrogative form of «have to» in questions and short answers

To use the interrogative form of «have to» in questions, we need to place the auxiliary verb «do» before the subject, followed by «have to», and then the main verb in the base form. For example, «Does Conrad have to go to school?».

For short answers, we can simply use «yes» or «no» depending on whether the statement is true or false. For example, «Does Conrad have to go to school?» — «Yes, he does.» or «No, he doesn’t.»

In the given task, we need to complete the questions about Conrad and his family with the interrogative form of «have to» and write short answers. Let’s take each question one by one:

1. Does Conrad have to go to school?
— Short answer: No, he doesn’t.

2. ___ _____ have lessons?
— Here, the subject is missing. Let’s add it to the question: «Does Conrad have lessons?»
— Short answer: Yes, he does.

3. ___ _______ parents go to work?
— Again, the subject is missing. Let’s add it to the question: «Do Conrad’s parents go to work?»
— Short answer: Yes, they do.

4. ___ _____ study Spanish?
— Same as before, let’s add the subject: «Does Conrad study Spanish?»
— Short answer: No, he doesn’t.

5. ___ _____ take exams?
— Adding the subject: «Does Conrad take exams?»
— Short answer: Yes, he does.

6. ___ ____ ____ late?
— Adding the subject: «Does Conrad’s mum work late?»
— Short answer: Yes, she does.

Complete the following question using the interrogative form of «have to»: Does Sarah ___ to wear a uniform to school?
Answer: Does Sarah have to wear a uniform to school?
Short answer: Yes, she does.

To practice using the interrogative form of «have to» in questions and short answers, it is useful to create your own sentences and then transform them into questions. Try to incorporate the subject, auxiliary verb «do», «have to», and the main verb in your sentences. For example: «We have to finish our homework before dinner.» — «Do we have to finish our homework before dinner?» — «Yes, we do.» or «No, we don’t.»

Complete the following question using the interrogative form of «have to»: _____ _____ you _____ to study for exams?
(Hint: subject is «we», answer should be in the negative)
Answer: Do we have to study for exams?
Short answer: No, we don’t.

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