What do you want to order?

What do you want to order?
Содержание: Ordering food in a restaurant

Описание: Ordering food in a restaurant is an essential skill to develop, especially when traveling to different countries with different cuisines. In this task, you will be given a dialogue titled «Eating out» and three gaps that need to be filled using the correct words. The first gap is asking for the type of cuisine you would like, and in this case, Jamie wants French cuisine. The second gap is asking for a type of dish, and Sally wants a salad. Finally, the third gap is asking about any additional orders, and the waiter is asking what you would like to drink.

1. Jamie: I’d like French cuisine, please.
2. Sally: And I’ll have a salad, please.
3. Waiter: So that’s two Thai chicken and rice. What would you like to drink?

— Учитель: Choose a type of cuisine and a dish you would like to order at a Chinese restaurant.
— Student: I’d like Cantonese cuisine, and I’ll have sweet and sour pork, please.
— Учитель: Great choice! The next question the waiter might ask is, «Would you like any appetizers or drinks with that?»

Совет: To make ordering food easier, it’s a good idea to learn some common phrases or vocabulary related to food and drinks. For example, you can learn how to say «I am allergic to (food item),» «Can you please recommend a dish?» or «Can we have separate bills, please?» Additionally, practicing ordering food in real-life situations, such as at a local restaurant, can help improve communication skills and boost confidence.

Упражнение: Imagine you’re at a Mexican restaurant. Order nachos with cheese and jalapenos, a chicken burrito, and a margarita.

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