Replace the bolded words with the words from the box to complete the text. Let’s Enjoy a Delicious

Replace the bolded words with the words from the box to complete the text.

Let’s Enjoy a Delicious Meal!
Last week, I invited all my friends to enjoy a delightful meal. I placed all the cutlery on the table and a cloth napkin next to each chair.
First, we had an appetizer. I prepared tomato soup and served it in the soup bowls on the table. Everyone began eating the soup with their spoons.
After the appetizer, we had well-done meat and potatoes along with a salad dressed in purple. I placed the meat on the plates and the potatoes on the plates as well.
For the salad, we used my beautiful French salad plates. We cut the meat with our knives. The meat was tender and flavorful.
For dessert, we had strawberry and chocolate ice cream with cookies and a milk chocolate sauce.
Afterwards, everyone enjoyed a cup of coffee with added sugar.
It was a fantastic evening, but the next morning everyone fell ill. I can’t understand why.

Тема: Кухонная посуда и сервировка стола

Описание: В данной задаче требуется заменить выделенные слова в тексте на подходящие слова из предложенного набора. Для этого необходимо знать значения данных слов и правила правильной сервировки стола.

Пример использования:
Last week I invited all my friends to have a nice meal. I put all the plates on the table and a tea towel next to every chair.

First we had a starter. I cooked tomato soup and put it into the soup bowls on the table. Everybody started to eat the soup with their spoons.

After the starter we had meat and potatoes and a salad with purple dressing. I put the meat on a serving plate and the potatoes on plates.

For the salad we used my wonderful yellow cups. We cut the meat with our knives. The meat was good — tender and well-done.

For dessert we had strawberry and chocolate ice cream with white sugar and a vanilla sauce.

Afterwards everybody drank a cup of coffee with salt and pepper.

It was a wonderful evening but the next morning everyone was sick. I can’t understand why.

Совет: Перед выполнением задания полезно ознакомиться с правилами сервировки стола, чтобы понимать, какой предмет посуды используется для разных блюд.

Задание: Какие предметы посуды обычно используются для сервировки салата?

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