1. The people in Avatar from the humanoid/natural tribe resemble humans. 2. Animations are created by simulation/graphic artists

1. The people in Avatar from the humanoid/natural tribe resemble humans.
2. Animations are created by simulation/graphic artists using computer software.
3. Nowadays, 3D technology can be used to enhance/develop images.
4. Animated/3D characters are often found in fantasy and science-fiction films.
5. A camera that only exists in a computer program is referred to as a digital/virtual camera.
6. The world of «Pandora» in Avatar showcases realistic/computer landscapes.
7. James Cameron utilized unique/unprecedented techniques in the film that had never been used before.
Предмет вопроса: Understanding Vocabulary in Film Production
Разъяснение: In film production, there are various terms used to describe different elements of the process. Understanding these terms is crucial to understanding the language and techniques used in the filmmaking industry. One such element is vocabulary related to computer graphics and animation. Computer-generated imagery (CGI) has become an integral part of modern-day movies, and the terms related to it, such as humanoid, simulation, graphic artists, 3D technology, animated characters, digital camera, computer landscapes, and one-of-a-kind techniques, have gained considerable importance. A humanoid refers to a type of robot or creature that looks like a human being. Simulation and graphic artists use computer software to create animations with lifelike movements and appearances. Images can be enhanced using advanced 3D technology nowadays. Fantasy and science-fiction films often feature animated or 3D characters. A digital camera only exists within a computer program, and filmmakers use it to produce high-quality special effects. In Avatar, James Cameron used impossible or cutting-edge methods that had never been used before to bring Pandora—a high-fantasy world—to life.
Показательный материал: Which term refers to images with lifelike movements and appearances?
A) Humanoid
B) Graphic artists
C) Simulation
D) Digital camera

Совет: Films depicting sci-fi, fantasy, and action genres tend to use more computer graphics, and their unique vocabulary might be difficult for some students to comprehend. One way to bypass this challenge is by watching behind-the-scenes videos online. These videos provide details about how different scenes were created, which new techniques were used and what terms they imply. These videos can help students learn technical words and phrases while also gaining insight into the work that goes into making the films we watch.

Упражнение: Imagine you are watching a sci-fi film and want to describe a scene featuring humanoid characters that move and sound like humans. Which terms related to computer graphics and animation could you use to describe these characters? Please list at least four of them.

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