1. The ice-breaker Yermak proceeded towards the port for its destination. 2. The passenger ship Estonia has already arrived in

1. The ice-breaker Yermak proceeded towards the port for its destination.
2. The passenger ship Estonia has already arrived in Tallinn.
3. A severe storm in the North Sea delayed our arrival at the port.
4. The damage to the cargo wasn’t serious.
5. The m/v Pravda called at our port.
6. The list on the portside increased by 20 degrees.
7. The new atomic icebreaker will be launched in two months.
8. The accident occurred during mooring.
9. What was the damage to the engine caused by?
10. It was difficult for the ship to keep on the course.
11. Have you switched on the searchlight?
12. The tanker left its home port with a delay of two hours.
13. The boat struck the ship’s hull.
Тема: Предлоги

Предлог — это служебная часть речи, которая устанавливает отношения между словами в предложении. На английском языке есть много предлогов, и каждый из них используется для передачи разных значений. В этих предложениях нужно определить, где необходимо использовать предлог.

1. The ice-breaker Yermak proceeded to the port of destination.
2. The passenger ship Estonia has already arrived in Tallinn.
3. A severe storm in the North Sea delayed our arrival at the port.
4. The damage to the cargo wasn’t serious.
5. The m/v Pravda called at our port.
6. The list to portside increased by 20 degrees.
7. The new atomic icebreaker will be launched in two months.
8. The accident occurred during mooring.
9. What was the damage to the engine caused by?
10. It was difficult for the ship to keep on the course.
11. Have you switched on the searchlight?
12. The tanker left the home port after a delay of two hours.
13. The boat struck the ship’s hull.

Пример использования:
Пример задания, где потребуется использование предлогов:
Rewrite the following sentences with correct prepositions:

— She walked __ the park and stopped __ the bench.
— We have a reservation __ the hotel __ two weeks.
— The museum is located __ the center __ the city.
— She forgot to take her keys __ her bag.
— He jumped __ the water and swam __ the shore.

Правильное использование предлогов в английском языке может быть сложным, поэтому необходимо изучить правила и практиковаться в использовании предлогов. Можно смотреть видео на YouTube или читать статьи в интернете для лучшего понимания.

Добавьте правильные предлоги в предложения ниже:

1. I’m going ___ the store ___ buy some milk.
2. She is interested ___ learning ___ new languages.
3. We are meeting ___ 7 o’clock ___ the restaurant.
4. He put his coat ___ the chair and sat down ___ the sofa.
5. The cat jumped ___ the table and walked ___ the room.

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