22. What is the type of musical activity that precedes and accompanies all other musical activities of preschool

22. What is the type of musical activity that precedes and accompanies all other musical activities of preschool children? * 1) singing; 2) perception; 3) rhythmics; 4) music-educational activity.

23. In class, the teacher teaches children to solve arithmetic problems and graphically represent the arithmetic operation used to solve it. What type of arithmetic is the most challenging for children? * 1) finding the sum; 2) finding the remainder; 3) indirect or reciprocal.

24. The cognitive activity of a preschool child is manifested in… * 1) attention to the object; 2) frequency and nature of questions; 3) cognitive interest, curiosity; 4) exploratory behavior.

25. A girl was dressing up a doll. She chose one dress from several dresses of different sizes and tried to put it on, but it didn’t work. The other dresses were also either too small or too big. Finally, the girl chose a dress that fit. What method did she use to determine the size of the dress? * 1) the method of application; 2) the method of overlay; 3) the method of generalization.

26. What is the subject of study in the methodology of speech development? * 1) the process of children mastering their native language and skills of verbal communication under intentional pedagogical influence; 2) the process of children independently mastering their native language without adult intervention; 3) the formation of communication skills in the conditions of unregulated types of activities; 4) the development of children’s speech in play activities; 5) the process of forming the cognitive activity of preschool children.

27. The diagnostic assessment of the development of older preschool children showed a low level of development for several children. What work should be carried out to improve the level of development of preschoolers? * 1) individual work with children; 2) corrective work with children; 3) developmental work with children.

28. The first stage of child rights protection, mainly their vital rights, is: * 1) attestation of the preschool institution; 2) licensing; 3) registration.

29. In a class for middle group children, the teacher compares the number of toys and notes which toys are more or less. Then the teacher compares the numbers. What serves as the basis for comparing numbers in the class? * 1) measurement; 2) counting; 3) computation.

30. The senior educator of a preschool educational organization is… * 1) the organizer of the preschool educational organization; 2) the head of the preschool educational organization; 3) the deputy head of the preschool educational organization.

31. During the didactic game «Name the Neighbors,» the children constantly confused the sequence of parts of the day. What technique reinforces the sequential nature of parts of the day for children and gives them an understanding of the whole day? * 1) games; 2) colorful cards-signs as symbols of parts of the day; 3) pictures depicting landscapes at different times of the day.

32. The main documents of the leader of the preschool educational institution are: * 1) minutes of meetings of the council of educators; 2) handover protocols prepared during the change of leadership of the preschool institution and accompanying documents; 3) applications and copies of archival references issued in response to requests from citizens.

33. In the pre-school preparation group, children learn to determine the quantitative composition of numbers consisting of two smaller numbers, first within the first five, and then within ten. What is achieved in the process of this work with children? * 1) preparing children for measurement activities; 2) preparing children for computation activities; 3) preparing children for educational activities.

Имя: Развитие ребенка дошкольного возраста

Развитие ребенка дошкольного возраста включает в себя множество аспектов, важных для формирования его личности. Это включает в себя музыкальную деятельность, арифметические навыки, познавательную активность, развитие речи, диагностику развития и другие аспекты. Воспитатель играет ключевую роль в этом процессе, обучая детей различным навыкам и способствуя развитию их потенциала.

Пример использования:
Педагог проводит занятия с детьми, где они практикуют арифметические навыки, развивают музыкальные способности, общаются и задают вопросы, что способствует их познавательной активности.

Для более эффективного развития детей дошкольного возраста, важно создать стимулирующую среду, предоставить разнообразные игровые и образовательные материалы, а также внимательно следить за индивидуальными потребностями каждого ребенка.

Какие виды музыкальной деятельности предшествуют и сопутствуют всем остальным музыкальной деятельности детей дошкольного возраста?

1) пение
2) восприятие
3) ритмика
4) музыкально-образовательная деятельность

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